
Lexi is my Boxer that comes to work with me every day. She loves being at the office and being with clients.

Lexi is my assistant. She is not a trained therapy dog nor is she certified in any way to be a therapy dog. But just as my previous dog, Luna, she is a huge help to me day in and day out.

Often kids or teens that really do not want to see a counselor are willing to come to my office just to meet Lexi—and she loves to meet everyone! She has been a great bridge for many reluctant people to engage in counseling.

Here are some questions people often ask about Lexi:

Male or Female? Female

Breed: Boxer

Color:  Sealed (everyone out of the Boxer world would call her black)

How old is she? She was born on May 20, 2023. As of posting this she is 15 months old; however, I don’t update this page on the regular, so you may need to subtract today’s date from May 20, 2023 to get her current age.

How much does she weigh? About 65 pounds

Is she full grown? No, not yet; Boxers can take up to 2 years or more to get their full size

Are you crazy? Everyone knows how high hyper Boxers are! Boxers are my favorite breed! Lexi is my 5th Boxer, so I know a little about this amazing breed! They are the otters of the dog world; fun, goofy. Boxers are very loving and love to cuddle. Lexi likes men, women and children and is crazy protective over babies that come in

What are her hobbies? Lexi loves to run, wrestle and play with other dogs. She LOVES coming to work with me every day and she is just as anxious to go home at the end of the day. Lexi loves going out to the woods with me to explore and run. Lexi loves to unscrew the lids off of empty water bottles too! (my late, beloved Luna also did this, so it always warms my heart when I see Lexi do this)