Q: How do I find out if I can see you using my insurance?
A: When you call me please have your insurance card handy; I or my Office Manager will take your insurance information to verify with your insurance company what your mental health benefits are, deductibles and co-pays, number of sessions allowed per calendar year and if family or couples therapy in addition to individual counseling is available. We can usually get benefits verified within a day.
Remember the information your insurance company gives is not binding. I’ve never been able to figure that one out; they provide information that they won’t back up. Most insurance companies do exactly what they say but all insurance companies’ stress their verification of benefits is not a guarantee of coverage.
Q: How long is a counseling session?
A: 45 minutes or 1 hour depending on need and/or what your insurance allows.
For cash paying clients the session is 50 minutes. This includes 5 minutes for paying and scheduling.
I need to keep to allotted times so that between sessions I can finish chart notes, check messages, return phone calls and prepare for my next client.
Q: What if we need longer sessions?
A: Over the years I have done a lot of intensive therapy where the sessions can run up to 2 hours long. Insurance will not cover intensive therapy so longer sessions will need to be paid by the client at time of services. A 90 minute or 2 hour session is charged at the same hourly rate (a 90 minute session is charged 1 & ½ times the regular rate; a 2 hour session costs double the regular rate). Longer sessions need to be scheduled in advance so my schedule can accommodate it.
Q: Money is tight for me right now. Can you waive my insurance co-pay?
A: No, that is insurance fraud.
Q: I’d like to find out more about you; do you blog?
A: No; I don’t even have time to read other people’s blogs, let alone write my own blog!
Q: My life is crazy right now. If I miss appointments it’s not a problem, right?
A: No, missed appointments are a problem. I schedule that time for you. If you don’t show up, you prevent another client from using that time and rob me of an hour’s pay. When a client chooses not to come in or “forgets” because their friend offered to go shopping with them, a No Show fee must be paid before you can re-schedule.
I am not heartless; things do happen that can prevent the most organized person from keeping an appointment. If you call me and let me know what the situation is I may be able to waive the No Show fee and get you re-scheduled. For instance, if you wake up with the flu, I don’t want to be exposed, nor do I want my office “germinated” so I am willing to work with people. But my time needs to be respected as well.
Q: Do you take Medicaid?
A: Yes, I am on the Medicaid panels that cover Cowlitz county, in most situations I can see you, but limited scheduling times are available.
Q: Why do you refuse to take my insurance? (Why aren’t you a preferred provider or In-Network Provider?)
A: I don’t refuse to accept anyone’s insurance. The insurance companies have the right to determine how many providers they need in each area which is called a panel. While I am on many panels, usually if I am not on a panel it is because their panel is closed for this area. Some insurance companies will only accept psychologists and psychiatrist to be on their panel.
Another confusing thing about insurance is that I may be an approved counselor, an “In-Network” Provider but I may not be on your employer’s insurance plan. This is why it is vital we verify benefits before meeting.
It is possible for a potential client to have an insurance plan I have not applied for (there are lots of them out there). I am willing to be on panels, but it usually takes 90 days for the insurance companies to go through their process of approving and credentialing a provider.
If your insurance doesn’t work out, clients can pay out of pocket to meet with me too.
Q: Do you take credit cards, checks or money orders?
A: I accept cash, Visa and MasterCard and checks. I prefer to avoid money orders and traveler’s checks due to forgery concerns.
If you are a new client coming in for an Anger Management Evaluation or Mental Health Evaluation I require cash payment for the initial appointment.
Q: Are you Court Approved to do Anger Management Evaluations and Treatment?
A: Yes. Cowlitz County District and Superior Courts accept my evaluations, testimony and reports. Cowlitz County Probation and the Department of Corrections (DOC) also accept my evaluations and reports.
Q: Can you do Domestic Violence Evaluations or treatment?
A: No. The State of Washington has some excellent laws regarding Domestic Violence Evaluations and treatment. The State requires certifying each DV program. We have some excellent DV treatment providers in our area; your attorney or probation officer can direct you to these programs.
Q: Are you a psychologist or a psychiatrist?
A: Neither, I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Q: Should I call you Doctor Anglin? Or Mr. Anglin?
A: No, I am not a doctor of any type. Please call me Wayne.
Q: I’m depressed but my doctor won’t write a prescription for me until I am seeing a counselor. Can you communicate with doctors?
A: Yes, but only after the client has signed a Release of Information (ROI) that allows me to share information with your doctor. Many doctors want their clients to be in weekly counseling sessions so the client can be monitored. A valid Release allows your doctor and me to discuss the pertinent issues so you will receive the best level of care. When a Release of Information is signed it is only valid for a specific period of time and you can cancel the ROI at any time.
Q: Do you offer a sliding scale fee for cash clients?
A: No, I cannot afford to offer a sliding scale fee; my costs to operate my practice don’t vary. Clients can make payments on their accounts and I am happy to keep a record of your payments and provide you receipts, balance, etc.