Do you feel angry all of the time?
Is anger the strongest emotion you feel? Is anger the only emotion you feel?
Chronic anger can cause high blood pressure and heart disease.
Are you or someone you love destroying relationships because of anger outbursts?
When anger is released in a toxic way, we hurt those we about care the most.
Although many of the clients I work with in Anger Management are Court-ordered to do so, I also have many people come on their own to work on how they handle anger. Toxic anger destroys relationships with spouse, significant others, siblings, children and step-children.
I teach effective skills in dealing with anger; you don’t have to choose between being doormat or a constantly explosive person. I can evaluate what is going on, ascertain how you respond to anger provoking situations and give you new tools to better deal your anger. I can provide you with the unique skills you need to work in your personal and professional life!
I encourage individuals, couples and families to attend.
Q: Are you Court Approved to do Anger Management Evaluations and Treatment?
A: Yes. Cowlitz County District and Superior Courts accept my evaluations, testimony and reports. Cowlitz County Probation and the Department of Corrections (DOC) also accept my evaluations and reports.
Q: I had Court a few months ago and kept putting off getting my Anger Management Evaluation. Can I get in this week?
A: Providing you have some flexibility to your schedule, I can usually get people in within a few days. My targeted goal is to get evaluations written up within 3 business days of meeting with the client.
Q: Money is tight for me, I can come in now for an Management Evaluation now and then I’lI pay you later right?
A: No, I require that you pay in full when you come in. If you are a new client coming in for an Anger Management Evaluation or Mental Health Evaluation I require cash or credit card payment for the initial appointment.
Q: Can you do Domestic Violence Evaluations or treatment?
A: No. The State of Washington has some excellent laws regarding Domestic Violence Evaluations and treatment. The State requires certifying each DV program. We have some excellent DV treatment providers in our area; your attorney or probation officer can direct you to these programs.